Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Semantically Proven Eye Brow Hair Transplant in Delhi

The modern and common type of hair loss is Eyebrow loss which is also known as superciliary madarosis. Eyebrows are one of the most significant facial appearances owing to its position on the face. As the hair loss of eyebrow is not perceived it as natural hair loss, but still it is not considered socially acceptable in the society.  Cosmetically it is not better to achieve the beauty on your face naturally, but it is acceptable to improve the appearance of your face in front of others with natural procedure of  innovative and modern hair transplant in Delhi with proven methods.

Cause of eyebrow loss: There are so many certain medical conditions where the problem of hair loss persists just like Madarosis which can adversely affect one or both eyebrows with partial or complete hair loss which can happen in a variety of therapeutic conditions.
Dietetic Turmoil: Hy poproteinemia, Zinc, Biotin and Iron deficiencies.

Complete and Endocrine Disorders: Hypothyroidism, DLE, Scleroderma Alopecia Areata.

Dermatological ConditionsAtopic dermatitis, Seborrhic dermatitis, Frontal fibrosing alopecia, Telogen Effulvium, Follicular Mucinosis.

Infections: Leprosy, Secondary and tertiary syphilis, viral infection.

Radiotherapy and chemotherapy

Certain Drugs


The eyebrows are situated in between the upper part of nose and lower part of head above eyes which is a two-arched eminences of skin situated above the orbital regions. The hairs of the eyebrows are short, deep and hard and are set implicitly.

The eyebrows can be nearly alienated into three parts- Medial (near the nose), Middle, and Lateral (outer). The trend and collection of the hairs are unusual in different parts.

The medial third is generally below the orbital boundary with the hairs in this section leaning perpendicularly. The middle third deceit along the orbital margin with hairs oriented crookedly or parallel. The lateral third usually lies above the orbital margin. Eyebrow hair usually tends to be less teeming creatively than medially; thus, hair loss from any cause is apt to be more obvious in the lateral portion.

Points to consider for eyebrow hair transplant

Miscellaneous ways and preparations of hairs in eyebrow.
Eyebrow hairs blow a fuse at a delicate position from the follicle rather than at an angle of 45 degrees as in case of scalp hairs. 

Hair growth cycle is short. 

Eyebrow hairs generally tend to be in single string rather than in 1-4 hair follicular units. 

Since the hair follicles are taken from scalp for proper functioning of eyebrow transplant, they lean to develop lengthy and need episodic border. This type of transplant is done few days of time. Sometimes, it may create some problems in eyes or pain, but it is only of initial stage. After the preliminary process or stage it becomes stable in position.