Saturday, 6 August 2016

Female Hair Loss Treatment Tips

Women’s beauty is identified through her hairs and facial expressions because it is the natural beauty of any female which shows a feather added to one’s cap. However, it is a myth that hair loss or hair fall problem is only related to males or men’s problem. But the fact is that it is also the problem of women completely.  It can have devastating & terrible effects on the on the victims self image. It can also have emotional, professional, psychological effect on human being with a negative impact on the personality. 
One of the major types of hair loss in women is identified as androgenetic baldness which is also known to be the dissimilar female pattern type alopecia. 

There are two different types of hair loss, namely anagen effluvium and Telogen effluvium.

Telogen effluvium, is due to an enlarged amount of hair follicles entering the inactive period.

Causes of telogen effluvium

  • Substantial Stress.
  • Touching Stress.
  • Abnormal condition of Thyroid.
  • Medications: Increase doses of Vitamin A, Blood pressure and Gout medication.
    Hormonal cause: pregnancy, birth control pills, menopause.

There are plenty of natural factors which can affect female’s hair growth for example: obesity, unnatural diet, work-pressure, anxiety, worthless thinking and underweight. Deficiency of iron, blood, vitamins, carbohydrates, protein and calcium also causes hair loss or baldness in female. However, there are so many options available especially for female hair loss treatment which includes the FUE, FUHT and PRP technique by many hair transplant surgeons in India. Just like one of the most promising and prominent clinic Hairnsenses also offers the great hair transplantation cost in Delhi for females.

Healing Options for Female Pattern Hair Loss

1.     Aesthetic options to give a fuller facade to hair.
2.     Remedial Rehabilitation– Contemporary minoxidil and certain vitamins.
3.     Hair restoration surgery- New surgical techniques have made transplantation for females a feasible treatment option provided that they are suitable candidate and have realistic prospect. 

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Hair Structure Explaination By Hair Transplant Clinic in India

Hair Structure

HairnSenses explains about the proper hair structure here. You can get all important points about hairs in man. Dr. Sangay who is the most experienced surgeon in best hair transplant clinic in Delhi which is known to be Hair & Senses. Here are some points:
1). A hair can be defined as a slender, thread-like outgrowth from a follicle in the skin.

2). The hair is present all over the body, except for the sole, palm, lips.

3). Hair is composed of structural protein called keratin. This is the same kind of protein that makes up the nails and the outer layer of skin.

Hair comprises of three morphological regions—the cuticle, medulla, and cortex

1. An innermost layer or medulla which is only present in large thick hairs.

     2. The middle layer known as the cortex. The cortex provides strength, color and texture of the hair.

3. The outermost layer is known as the cuticle. The cuticle is thin and colorless. It serves as a protector of the cortex.
Structure of the hair root
Hair root lies below the skin, which is enclosed within a follicle. At the base of hair follicle is the dermal papilla. The dermal papilla is fed by the blood vessels which carries nourishment to produce new hair. The dermal papilla is very important for the growth of the hair as it contains receptors for male hormones and androgen's. The presence of these receptors is responsible for the androgenic alopecia.

Hair growth cycle

Hair on the scalp grows at a rate of about 6 inches/ year.

At any given time, a random number of hairs will be in various stages of growth and shedding.

There are three stages of hair growth: catagen, telogen, and anagen.

Anagen Phase

The anagen phase is known as the growth phase. It begins in the papilla and can last from two to six years. The span at which the hair remains in this stage of growth is determined by genetics. The longer the hair stays in the anagen phase, the faster and longer it will grow. During this phase, the cells in the papilla divide to produce new hair fibers, and the follicle buries itself into the dermal layer of the skin to nourish the strand. About 85% of the hairs on one's head are in the anagen phase at any given time.

Catagen Phase

The catagen phase, also known as the transitional phase, allows the follicle to renew itself. It lasts for about two weeks. During this time, the hair follicle shrinks due to disintegration and the papilla detaches, cutting the hair strand off from its nourishing blood supply. Ultimately, the follicle is 1/6 its original length, causing the hair shaft to be pushed upward. While hair is not growing during this phase, the length of the terminal fibers increases when the follicle pushes them upward.

Telogen Phase

During the telogen, or resting phase the follicle remains dormant anywhere from 1–4 months. 10 to 15% of the hairs on one's head are in this phase of growth at any given time. In this phase the epidermal cells lining the follicle channel continue to grow as normal and may accumulate around the base of the hair, temporarily anchoring it in place and preserving the hair for its natural purpose without using the body's resources.

The anagen phase begins again once the telogen phase is complete. The dermal papilla and the base of the follicle join together again and a new hair begins to form. If the old hair has not already been shed the new hair pushes the old one out and the growth cycle starts all over again. The process results in normal hair loss known as shedding.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Semantically Proven Eye Brow Hair Transplant in Delhi

The modern and common type of hair loss is Eyebrow loss which is also known as superciliary madarosis. Eyebrows are one of the most significant facial appearances owing to its position on the face. As the hair loss of eyebrow is not perceived it as natural hair loss, but still it is not considered socially acceptable in the society.  Cosmetically it is not better to achieve the beauty on your face naturally, but it is acceptable to improve the appearance of your face in front of others with natural procedure of  innovative and modern hair transplant in Delhi with proven methods.

Cause of eyebrow loss: There are so many certain medical conditions where the problem of hair loss persists just like Madarosis which can adversely affect one or both eyebrows with partial or complete hair loss which can happen in a variety of therapeutic conditions.
Dietetic Turmoil: Hy poproteinemia, Zinc, Biotin and Iron deficiencies.

Complete and Endocrine Disorders: Hypothyroidism, DLE, Scleroderma Alopecia Areata.

Dermatological ConditionsAtopic dermatitis, Seborrhic dermatitis, Frontal fibrosing alopecia, Telogen Effulvium, Follicular Mucinosis.

Infections: Leprosy, Secondary and tertiary syphilis, viral infection.

Radiotherapy and chemotherapy

Certain Drugs


The eyebrows are situated in between the upper part of nose and lower part of head above eyes which is a two-arched eminences of skin situated above the orbital regions. The hairs of the eyebrows are short, deep and hard and are set implicitly.

The eyebrows can be nearly alienated into three parts- Medial (near the nose), Middle, and Lateral (outer). The trend and collection of the hairs are unusual in different parts.

The medial third is generally below the orbital boundary with the hairs in this section leaning perpendicularly. The middle third deceit along the orbital margin with hairs oriented crookedly or parallel. The lateral third usually lies above the orbital margin. Eyebrow hair usually tends to be less teeming creatively than medially; thus, hair loss from any cause is apt to be more obvious in the lateral portion.

Points to consider for eyebrow hair transplant

Miscellaneous ways and preparations of hairs in eyebrow.
Eyebrow hairs blow a fuse at a delicate position from the follicle rather than at an angle of 45 degrees as in case of scalp hairs. 

Hair growth cycle is short. 

Eyebrow hairs generally tend to be in single string rather than in 1-4 hair follicular units. 

Since the hair follicles are taken from scalp for proper functioning of eyebrow transplant, they lean to develop lengthy and need episodic border. This type of transplant is done few days of time. Sometimes, it may create some problems in eyes or pain, but it is only of initial stage. After the preliminary process or stage it becomes stable in position.