Showing posts with label best hair transplant in India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label best hair transplant in India. Show all posts

Thursday 4 August 2016

Hair Structure Explaination By Hair Transplant Clinic in India

Hair Structure

HairnSenses explains about the proper hair structure here. You can get all important points about hairs in man. Dr. Sangay who is the most experienced surgeon in best hair transplant clinic in Delhi which is known to be Hair & Senses. Here are some points:
1). A hair can be defined as a slender, thread-like outgrowth from a follicle in the skin.

2). The hair is present all over the body, except for the sole, palm, lips.

3). Hair is composed of structural protein called keratin. This is the same kind of protein that makes up the nails and the outer layer of skin.

Hair comprises of three morphological regions—the cuticle, medulla, and cortex

1. An innermost layer or medulla which is only present in large thick hairs.

     2. The middle layer known as the cortex. The cortex provides strength, color and texture of the hair.

3. The outermost layer is known as the cuticle. The cuticle is thin and colorless. It serves as a protector of the cortex.
Structure of the hair root
Hair root lies below the skin, which is enclosed within a follicle. At the base of hair follicle is the dermal papilla. The dermal papilla is fed by the blood vessels which carries nourishment to produce new hair. The dermal papilla is very important for the growth of the hair as it contains receptors for male hormones and androgen's. The presence of these receptors is responsible for the androgenic alopecia.

Hair growth cycle

Hair on the scalp grows at a rate of about 6 inches/ year.

At any given time, a random number of hairs will be in various stages of growth and shedding.

There are three stages of hair growth: catagen, telogen, and anagen.

Anagen Phase

The anagen phase is known as the growth phase. It begins in the papilla and can last from two to six years. The span at which the hair remains in this stage of growth is determined by genetics. The longer the hair stays in the anagen phase, the faster and longer it will grow. During this phase, the cells in the papilla divide to produce new hair fibers, and the follicle buries itself into the dermal layer of the skin to nourish the strand. About 85% of the hairs on one's head are in the anagen phase at any given time.

Catagen Phase

The catagen phase, also known as the transitional phase, allows the follicle to renew itself. It lasts for about two weeks. During this time, the hair follicle shrinks due to disintegration and the papilla detaches, cutting the hair strand off from its nourishing blood supply. Ultimately, the follicle is 1/6 its original length, causing the hair shaft to be pushed upward. While hair is not growing during this phase, the length of the terminal fibers increases when the follicle pushes them upward.

Telogen Phase

During the telogen, or resting phase the follicle remains dormant anywhere from 1–4 months. 10 to 15% of the hairs on one's head are in this phase of growth at any given time. In this phase the epidermal cells lining the follicle channel continue to grow as normal and may accumulate around the base of the hair, temporarily anchoring it in place and preserving the hair for its natural purpose without using the body's resources.

The anagen phase begins again once the telogen phase is complete. The dermal papilla and the base of the follicle join together again and a new hair begins to form. If the old hair has not already been shed the new hair pushes the old one out and the growth cycle starts all over again. The process results in normal hair loss known as shedding.

Thursday 4 October 2012

How Can One Promote Hair Growth With a Healthy Lifestyle?

Let’s be honest, we live in chaotic times. You step out of the house, and there is dust, pollution, traffic, noise, a deluge of things that are not good for the body or our peace of mind. Added to that is work, and all kinds of stress. To draw a balance and have a healthy lifestyle is more essential today, than it has ever been.

 And the temptations are numerous – that extra slice of pizza, another glass of wine, lying on a couch for hours with Netflix. Having a balanced healthy lifestyle is hard, but it is vital for our well being, and healthy skin and good hair.

 Here we will talk about some healthy habits to keep your mane happy – 
 1. Eat your way to healthy hair Hair is made of protein, and ensuring you have enough protein in your diet is crucial for keeping your hair strong. Lack of protein in your diet means your hair will be dry, brittle and weak. Low protein diets are associated with hair loss. 

 Low levels of iron can cause anemia, which can lead to a disruption of the nutrient supply to the follicle, resulting in shedding. 

 In general, adding food rich in protein, iron, zinc, vitamin B12, B5 and B7 is extremely good for healthy hair.These nutrients can be found in egg whites, lean meats, nuts, beans, leafy greens, and fish. Things to avoid are excess of caffeine, sugar and alcohol. 

 2. Exercise It has been established that exercise is good for us in so many ways. It helps us stay fit, boosts our immunity and keeps diseases at bay. For hair, the sweating from exercise helps unclog hair follicles, and boosts hair growth. It also stimulates the blood flow to our skin and scalp, bringing the essential nourishment in the form of nutrients and oxygen to hair. Exercise is also beneficial in relieving stress, which is a factor for hair loss.
While we all recognize the benefits of exercise, but it is tough to maintain a routine. The key is to make some form of exercise an essential part of our everyday and assign a time for it. While early mornings are the best time, even if you squeeze in as little as half an hour every evening, and do it consistently, it will do wonders for your hair and skin. 

 3. Take care of your scalp Healthy hair flourishes on a healthy scalp. Hair follicles get natural oils from glands on the scalp, so if your scalp is unhealthy or dry, the hair will be dry and unhealthy as well. 

 To keep your scalp in good shape it is important to keep it clean to avoid dandruff. Wash it every 2-3 days with a mild shampoo depending on how much you sweat, the weather and the amount of dust and pollutants you come in contact with. Brush it lightly atleast once a day. And if you have dandruff, and itchiness, use a medicated anti-dandruff shampoo. 

 4. Get your zzz’s The famed ‘beauty sleep’ as we call it, is extremely important. If you are not getting enough snooze time, the blood will not flowing efficiently. 

 Lack of sleep reduces the body’s ability to repair and regenerate, effecting hair growth. It results in hair loss also.

 One of the major cause is sleep also.

 Sleep deprivation can wreak havoc on the immune system, which can lead to Telogen Effluvium, or hair loss caused by stress. Getting enough sleep is vital not only for the health of our hair, but also for our mental and physical well-being. 

 5. No smoking Research says that substances like nicotine and carbon monoxide – which are found in cigarettes – restrict the flow of blood and oxygen to hair follicles, not allowing nutrients to reach the scalp, resulting in hair fall. There are numerous reasons to quit smoking, and hair fall is definitely one of them. 

 6. Avoid the sun and hot showers Hair needs to be protected from the sun just like our skin does. Often people load upon sunscreen but forget about hair. It can make the hair dry and brittle. For people spending a significant time outdoors and living in sunnier climes, you can wear a hat or scarf to protect your hair.

 Washing hair with very hot water is also not advisable. It strips the hair off natural oils, which can lead to the scalp overproducing oil that can damage your hair. Warm water is ideal for washing hair.

 The state of our hair and skin reflect the state of our overall health. Making healthier lifestyle choices will not just help your hair, but your general well being. The above content is contributed by Dr. Sangay Bhutia from Hair and Senses one of the leading clinic of hair transplant in Delhi.